We live in a land of opportunity as wide as our beautiful Hill Country skies. We care about our neighbors and know that we're stronger when everyone plays by the same rules, is respected for who they are, gets a fair shot, and does their fair share. Our values are rooted in equality, progress, opportunity, freedom, and fairness.
Texas Democrats have led the fight for Social Security and Medicare; clean air and water; healthcare; immigration reform; protecting the voting rights of all citizens; and human rights for workers, veterans, women, and our LGBT neighbors. We're the party of President Lyndon Johnson, Barbara Jordan, Ann Richards, John Connally, Lloyd Bentsen, and countless Texans throughout the state.
We love Blanco County and the hardworking people who live here. We're building a party of people who share our values. We're proud to be Americans, Texans, and Democrats!
Maggie Goodman
Mary Sward
Chris Langfeld
Kevin Voelker
Brenda Thomas
Travis Burrer III
To reach a team member, please send an email to blancodemocrats@gmail.com
To be added to our email list, please send an email to social.blancocountydemocrats@gmail.com